Friday 11 September 2020



This week my reading group read about woodpeckers. Here are some facts, video, and species enjoy.

Wednesday 9 September 2020


 100 air squats

90 sit ups

10 minutes skipping

run 14 km

3 min plank

100 each leg Flutter kicks

Wednesday 2 September 2020

15 minute writing

Call of duty warzone Zombie mode they had a battle royale bus They had passed 50 levels then they got to level 100 then they got the lava paint and they spread it all over them they were impossible to beat but at the end they got grenades rocket launchers and poison weapons they completed it but it took them 2 hours to do the 100th level they died and was never seen again nah just kidding they got to level 201 that took them 48 hours their were 5 people playing that one game